S.Croce e Carle Hospital of Cuneo

S.Croce e Carle Hospital of Cuneo

Thanks to a grant from the CRC Foundation, artist Silvio Irilli was able to embellish access to the CAS and Breast Unit at the Cuneo hospital with his work "Emozioni Panoramiche"

"The CAS, Reception and Service Center, is a place that manages all diagnostic pathways in oncology, where we count about 2,000 new passages each year. The same humanization intervention was done for the Breast Unit outpatient clinic, which is important because breast cancer is the second most common cancer after colon cancer." Silvana Brao (present with outpatient area coordinator Daniele Dogliotti) recalls patient care: "Even those with strong suspicion are accompanied until surgery and therapy or palliative care. A frail persons project for family support is also active."
"I thank the Cuneo Savings Bank Foundation. Before the establishment of CASs and, in some places still now, the patient was left to his own devices in the so-called orphan period, that is, when he is aware of the diagnosis but is not yet taken care of. With the CASs and our management we have taken a fundamental step forward to follow the patient from the earliest stage of the disease, with a protected, rapid and efficient pathway."
Joseph Coletta
Medical Director Azienda Ospedaliera S.Croce e Carle di Cuneo
"You thank us for the funds, but it is we who should thank you because you effectively and efficiently employ the contributions that come from the territory and to it it is proper that they be returned."
Michelangelo Pellegrino
CRC Foundation board member