


A dream is crowned in the name of little Noemi, an all-color reception in the new pediatric intensive care unit at Pescara Hospital


"It is a wonderful work of humanization for the new and only pediatric intensive care unit in Abruzzo.
"Noemi's Island of Colors" is the result of your support, made possible thanks to donations from each of you. Created by two artists, Silvio Irilli of Painted Hospitals and our own Noemi. It is a work designed with love, to give a caress to the little hospitalized children and their families."
Andrea Sciarretta
President Ass. Project Noemi ODV
"Thanks to the Noemi Project, we were able to bring a beautiful message inside the new ICU of the Pescara hospital. It is a message made of color, and the thing that makes it unique is that for the first time we had the opportunity to include in a work the colors and paintings of another artist. This artist's name is Noemi, her works have joined mine, and so it is she, directly, who brings a message of closeness to little patients in need. Thanks to Noemi, thanks to Andrea Sciarretta, thanks to everyone who supported the project. This is a donated work, so the most important signature is that of everyone who contributed to make it happen. And I believe and hope that Noemi is proud of what we have done together."
Artist and Founder of Painted Hospitals


is founded in 2013 by the parents of Noemi Sciarretta, a little girl from Guardiagrele, in the province of Chieti, who was diagnosed with SMA 1, Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1, at just three months old. 

The Association is the fruit of the courage and boundless love of dad Andrea and mom Tahereh, who, having ascertained the diagnosis of the little girl, decided to found the "Noemi Project" Association, designed to defend all children in serious health conditions like Noemi, and family members, called upon to face an arduous and painful challenge such as the illness of a child, and therefore in need of extreme support

The main objective of the Association is to raise awareness among ASLs, health professionals, institutions and in general Public Opinion about the knowledge of SMA and pediatric very severe disabilities , supporting scientific research and bringing to the center of the social and institutional agenda the issue of support for young patients diagnosed with SMA1, or another severe disease, and the caregivers and family members who care for them.


Noemi Sciarretta was born on May 31, 2012, to father Andrea and mother Tahereh, an uphill existence from the very first moments, but lightened and supported over time by that strong family warmth that would later lead to the creation of a small miracle, a new hope. When Noemi was only three months old, in fact, she was diagnosed with the devastating SMA 1, a sudden earthquake capable of bringing pain, disorientation and instability, but without ever affecting, in Noemi and her family members, an indomitable sense of hope and purposefulness in trying to do something constructive and useful for others. Despite everything, in fact, Noemi does not despair, but listens, watches, consoles, smiles. A light in her eyes only dimmed by early illness, but never extinguished, and indeed so present that it convinced mom and dad to found an Association that would have Noemi's name, and that through Noemi and her stubbornness, would reach out to the needs of those lying in the same condition .This is how the Noemi Project Association was born in 2013, which, yesterday as today, wants to be a spokesperson for the needs of families with very severe disabilities. In November 2013, Noemi had the most beautiful and important experience of her life. After writing a letter addressed to the Holy Father, she is received at Santa Marta by Pope Francis, who asks for prayers in audience in front of 50 thousand faithful. A small miracle, which is worth for Noemi the receipt of thousands of letters from all over the country, and the increase of a certain awareness towards the Association's social projects, demonstrating a growing solidarity towards some issues until then less debated, such as the serious pathologies of so many little patients, and the support to their families. Important projects started from her and incredible results were achieved, such as the opening of the First and only Regional Department of Pediatric Sub-Intensive Care at the " S. Spirito" Hospital in Pescara, or the allocation of the first regional funds for the figure of the caregiver, to improve the taking care of the family together with home care. Noemi has managed, in its fragility, to enter over time into the hearts of many, and to establish itself strongly. What we are, we are because of her, and we will always continue this way, never giving up. And surrender.

The work was donated by