CT Virtual Simulation Room of Oncology Radiotherapy at the Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS in Rome
"Leap into the Blue," an installation by artist Silvio Irilli, founder of OSPEDALI DIPINTI, that transforms the CT Virtual Simulation Room of Oncology Radiotherapy at the Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS in Rome into a fantasy world populated by sea creatures that will allow patients to create a supportive and escapist environment.
Presented the work "Leap into the Blue" by artist Silvio Irilli of Painted Hospitals. The theme of the painting is sea creatures; the work was created thanks to the important contribution of La Roche-Posay and in collaboration with theRomanini Association that follows all the initiatives related to the Art4ART project. For 10 years the artist Irilli has been collaborating with Gemelli within the "Art4ART" project ("Art for Advanced Radiotherapy" www.gemelliart.it) in the artistic realization of several radiotherapy treatment rooms: Aventine Room, Colosseum Room, Villa Adriana Room and Aquarius the one dedicated to children. The initiative involved the youngest children by inviting them to bring a drawing of a marine character to the pharmacy to be displayed at the point of sale. Among the many drawings of marine characters made by children, the beautiful drawing depicting marine octopuses was chosen, which artist Silvio Irilli integrated into the work "Leap into the Blue" on the walls of one of the rooms of the radiation oncology department, helping to transform it into a pleasant environment for young patients as well.