On 13 November, the Paediatric Emergency Room of the A.O.U. Maggiore della Carità in Novara was inaugurated, with the presence of the Piedmont Regional Councillor for Health, Antonio Saitta.

Made possible thanks to a donation from Abio Novara, the aquarium with dolphins, turtles and many colourful fish will be an important support for children, parents and doctors. So that the children's dream is not interrupted and can continue in a paediatric emergency room.

"Generally, the ER is a place that is neither pleasant nor welcoming, especially when it is a Pediatric ER. It therefore becomes mandatory to make every effort to make it as child-friendly as possible. I would say that this effort has yielded results beyond imagination: what Silvio Irilli has produced allows the child who enters the Hospital's premises with understandable concern, when not anguish, to enter a dimension one might say surreal, which undoubtedly possesses a strong anxiolytic effect and contributes in an important way to initiating the process of care that represents the Hospital's mission."

Prof. Gianni Bona (Director of the Paediatric Clinic - Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Maggiore della Carità of Novara)

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