


Once upon a time there was an underground tunnel that led from the Gaslini Hospital to the sea, but it was destroyed, bumpy, dark, and sick children, especially those with walking problems could not use it. Thanks to the art of SILVIO IRILLI, that tunnel has become a dream that will take them aboard a submarine with a very precise aim: to remove their fears!

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Introduction to the inauguration

An emotional journey


The interview with the TG dei Ragazzi - TGCOM24

"It is a privilege, an honour and a great emotion for me to bring colour to the Italian excellence of the Gaslini Hospital and make it available to the young patients, their families and the doctors. When I saw the tunnel leading to the beach for the first time, with its exposed tubes, I immediately thought that the pathway could become a Submarine, with radar, controls and large windows where you could see the seabed, with smiling dolphins, turtles and many colourful friends. I would like to thank the General Manager Renato Botti and all the medical staff for having accepted my project with such enthusiasm. Special thanks also go to the Acquario di Genova with Costa Edutainment, and to Silvia Salis and Fausto Brizzi who, with their precious contribution, have written their signature on this work. The "Gaslini submarine" is ready to leave: children, or rather little Captains, welcome aboard a dream! A dream in colour, all for you!".
Artist and Founder of Painted Hospitals


"Gaslini is unique for many reasons, one of which is its location on a hill sloping down to the sea, which allows it to have its own beach, adjacent to its park, where young patients, who can leave the wards for a few hours, can enjoy with their parents all the leisure and play experiences offered by the beautiful sea of Genoa. This is made possible thanks to the collaboration of CRIGG (the recreational club of hospital workers), which has been managing the heliotherapy establishment for many years and helps nurses and parents to accompany children to the beach and access its services. We would like to thank our employees, who also make themselves useful in helping patients and families, and the many supporters who make it possible for us to give children a special afternoon today. Special thanks go to the Genoa Aquarium with Costa Edutainment, to the vice-president of CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) Silvia Salis and her husband, the director Fausto Brizzi, who with their precious contribution donated the new decoration of the tunnel to the Gaslini hospital".
Edoardo Garrone
President of the Giannina Gaslini Institute
"It's wonderful to see that thanks to so many friends of Gaslini we have managed to realise a project that a couple of months ago was just an idea, but now leaving the hospital ward for a few hours and entering the Gaslini beach is an experience to remember: the child suddenly finds himself in an immersive environment, with portholes, control panels and sea creatures to simulate an underwater passage to the beach, all on a child's scale, a passage that creates amazement with colours, sounds and lights, in accompanying the child from a place of care to the place of leisure par excellence: the beach. This is the first step towards enhancing and encouraging the meeting and relationship between our children and the sea: we intend to invest in equipment for rehabilitation purposes in the heliotherapy centre too.
Director General of the Giannina Gaslini Institute
"My husband and I thank you for giving us the opportunity to join such an important project that will fill the senses of the children and families who will cross their destinies with Gaslini, an excellence that makes us feel proud as Genoese and as Italians. Thank you!"

Press review

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