A fairytale forest for the NICU at Mantua Hospital
The work "Nascere a colori" ("Born in colour" ) was delivered to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the #Mantova Hospital directed by Dr. Valeria Fasolato, who raised funds through the association Il Coraggio di Vivere ("The Courage to Live").
A story written by destiny and which originates from a nurse of the ward team who loses her mobile phone and who finds it again is Jean Pierre Bianco, aka Pass Pass Pass, Actor-clown finalist of italias got talent, who proposes to support the artistic project of Painted Hospitals in the solidarity show already scheduled for 20 November and organised by the ward team at the Bibiena Theatre entitled "Life needs colours: let's colour the NICU".
The show is sold out!
In the days following the show, further donations arrived, enabling the goal to be reached.
Now the aim is to complete the work for the NICU with further steps by the end of the year thanks to other initiatives that the department intends to organise to raise more funds.
From today, colour will be close to doctors, families and children.
Silvio Irilli's motto: "I love transforming hospital wards into emotional environments, because the patient is not just a patient, but above all a person!".
The dream continues....
"I have to thank PassPass for its great help," comments Valeria Fasolato, "it has involved many other artists, all of whom participated for free. I would also like to thank the doctors and nurses on the ward. Everyone contributed to the success of the evening. Some of the mothers of our discharged children brought their testimonies to the stage, while others provided photographs of their children during and after hospitalisation to raise awareness of prematurity and instil hope in those going through this difficult experience. We worked hard and at times we thought we wouldn't make it to the end. But we sold out.

Valeria Fasolato
Director of Neonatal Intensive Care at Mantova Hospital