PATIENTS RETELL...from the Facebook page

"You see things as they are and ask yourself why?
I dream of things that never were and ask myself 'why not'!
Thank you for turning a 'why not' into a work of art.

Prof. Vincenzo Valentini
Dir. Gemelli Art Policlinico Gemelli, Rome
"Beaches, rainbows, the sea and a pirate galleon: this is not a fairy tale, but the theme of the drawings decorating the walls of the new radiotherapy ward. So that the hours in the ward can be less difficult and the young patients and their families can live the delicate moments of treatment with greater serenity. Thank you Silvio Irilli".

Testimonial and founding member Thirty Hours for Life Association onlus
“Ho conosciuto Silvio nel 2012 quando eravamo alla ricerca di un artista capace di rendere le nostre sale
di trattamento più accoglienti, soprattutto per i bambini. Una scuola materna vicina al Policlinico Gemelli
voleva donare un’opera che potesse infondere serenità e sollievo ai piccoli pazienti in trattamento radiante.
Da quel momento, con Silvio, è nata una grande amicizia e una stretta collaborazione che dura ancora oggi.
Silvio, con la sua maestria attraverso le sue opere, riesce a colorare di speranza e di sollievo momenti che
altrimenti sarebbero grigi nel complesso percorso della malattia oncologica. Immagini e colori che accolgono
i nostri cari pazienti e facilitano il nascere di relazioni profonde che vanno ad affiancarsi alle avanzate
innovazioni tecnologiche che caratterizzano la moderna oncologia”.

Oncologo Radioterapista, Responsabile UOS di Radioterapia Interventistica - Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli
"I would like to express my gratitude for this initiative, which touches on two valuable values for our hospital: welcoming and humanizing care, in order to provide the best care for young patients and their families. The HOSPITALS DIPINTS initiative is truly a beautiful project because it helps our little patients to think of fantastic characters, to dream and socialize, and to instill in them serenity as they wait for their relationship with doctors and health workers and the treatments they face daily. Thanks to the generosity of artist Silvio Irilli, the S.I.M.B.A. Association and many individuals, we are helping to create a positive and cheerful environment where our little patients can feel more comfortable during their healing journey. Thank you all for being part of our mission to bring a smile to the faces of children."

Dr Valerio Cecinati
Director of pediatrics and pediatric oncohematology at SS. Annunziata in Taranto, Italy
"Silvio Irilli is the most extraordinary person I have met in terms of creativity!
When a child is afraid, the only thing that matters is to eliminate his fear: Silvio with his art has a magic wand, which with one touch makes it disappear!"

Brand building expert, elected by TIME magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the World