It's called HOSPITALS PAINTED SCHOOLS PROJECT, an all-color tour where artist SILVIO IRILLI will travel through Italian regions and tell school children about the significance of the Painted Hospitals project, to raise awareness of the concept of hospital reception and closeness to young patients, but also how to deal with fear during a hospital visit.
The project with one goal: all together to take away the fears of young patients!
The message that this project wants to convey to the children is the importance of solidarity, of the 'team game' that makes it possible to overcome all difficulties. The child in hospital feels alone, excluded from the world he lived in and that his companions live in every day, and showing him that instead his team is cheering for him, that his peers are waiting for him back among them, and that in the meantime they are doing something so that the process of his recovery goes as smoothly as possible, becomes an anchor of serenity that will help him to leave behind that difficult moment with the lightness he so badly needs.

Children's questions, pictures, videos, with before-and-after projections of the wards for a day full of color and lots of excitement with a chance to make an art workshop with artist Irilli and donate the work to the hospital.

"When I was a child I had a dream. Today I am painting that dream for young patients".
Professionalism, talent , creativity, have made SILVIO IRILLI, one of the most appreciated and esteemed Artists in the international panorama of Contemporary Art.
The dream began in November 1991: he was the first artist to have his color work on the entire front page of the sports daily Tuttosport!
In the 1990s he was the official cartoonist of the TV show "Solletico" on Rai Uno.
Until 2000, his paintings illustrated the covers of sports and entertainment newspapers such as Tuttosport, Guerin Sportivo, Sorrisi e Canzoni and others.
In 2007 and 2008 he painted the Murals at GEORGIA A QUARIUM in Atlanta, the World's largest aquarium in the USA and received articles in American newspapers and a special on NBC news, well-known American television. More than 3 MILLION visitors each year see his 300 sq. m. work painted on the entrance ceiling of GEORGIA AQUARIUM.
In 2012 he created the Painted Hospitals project, which is bringing color and smiles to the wards of Italian hospitals.
In 2018, he receives congratulations for the initiative from President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella
In 2020, the international press tells the world about the message of Painted Hospitals
Are you a company, a non-profit organisation that wants to donate the event in the school in your city?
Does your school want to donate a ward made by Painted Hospitals?
Do you want to be an official sponsor of the event?
Would you like to request HOSPITALS PAINTED SCHOOLS PROJECT in your city/country?
Does your school want to contribute to a project dedicated to young patients in the hospital?
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